So, onto the events of last weekend....Friday night I shot Chelsea and Grant's wedding at the cutest little chapel. I am going to have to hand out the best dance award on this one. These two danced until my feet hurt and they were awesome at it! It made me want to get out there and shake my booty too. You can thank me later for sparing you that sight. Although I did not get a chance to know Chelsea and Grant prior to the wedding I learned Friday they are both tons-o-fun. Here are just a couple of pictures from thier wedding.

Saturday I fortunate enough to shoot a wedding with a superstar in the biz (that's a little inside joke really). On a serious note though, I have been so lucky this past month to shoot with some of the best photographers and Saturday was another one of those expierences. Fred Egan asked me help him out on a wedding in Ft Worth. I thought I had seen it all but it turns out I had never seen a reception just THIS spectacular. It isn't every day you see 7 wedding cakes at one wedding. OR an ice dolphin sculpture that serves drinks out of it's mouth. Talk about going all out. I had the best time enjoying the sites and watching Fred in action. I learned so much, what a priceless expierence! Thanks Fred for a very memorable evening.
A few of my faves.

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