Sunday, June 24, 2007

Best Week Eva!

This week was totally amazingly awesome and I hate that it’s over! I just got back from Seattle and Anti-workshop rocked my world. I can’t wait to roll out all of the changes I’m making. I have even gone as far as to put alllll of my camera gear up for sale…Hopefully I haven’t lost my mind. I met some photographers that I have admired from a distance for a while now and others that are now added to that list. Where to start…. Dustin (love him!), Erin (Seattle’s BEST dog photographer), Jan (they don’t get any nicer), Jasmine Star (just as beautiful on the inside as the outside), Shyla (who never stops smiling), Heather (who is crazy fun!), Kelly (who is a freakin amazing photographer), Fred Egan (what can I say…he has been inspiring me for almost a year now), and bestest for last my new BFF Kate Mefford (she took the new shots of me). She and I are going to make a great team! She challenges me to look a little dig a little deeper into what I am really all about. I think my Anti-workshop was so successful in part because of our talks and brainstorming. Check out my new buddies at Anti Workshop.

The Boutwells and John Michael Cooper really challenged us this week to step outside the box. They were completly inspiring! I can not implement everything I learned fast enough but I sure will try. Our week was filled with some crazy excercises and shoots. Tuesday we were sent out with a blow up pig and a polaroid camera. We had two hours to tell a story about our pig and 10 polaroids to accomplish it. Talk about a challenge! I was paired up with a couple of awesome girls. Our pig was planning her upcoming wedding. As you can imagine we had some good laughs. Wednesday we headed out with a model/bride and a list of 24 shots we had to get. Two hours didn’t seem like nearly enough time for this one. Our bride was super sweet and beautiful as you can see from the slideshow. Thursday the Boutwells got to strut their stuff for us. We went down to underground Seattle with our bride and groom for a smokin hot shoot. Talk about outside the box. I LOVED it!!! It was so different and a refreshing change. I was pretty sad to say goodbye to all of my new friends. We had some great times, lots of laughs, (best taxi ride EVA!) and I have tons of memories and new blogs to stalk

I will update some more images I high jack a little later….

From Kelly’s Blog

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