I just returned from some much needed relaxing on the white sand beaches of Florida. I spent a week with my best friend Laurie, her husband, their two too-cute-for-words-must-show-pictures little girls, and Daron. Our condo was off the hook!! It opened up to the beach and I spent as much time on it as I possibly could. Unfortunately 7 days comes and goes too quick. I am back in big D and was welcomed by the blistering heat. Boy did I miss that....NOT! I uploaded my favorite video from the week. While at Busch Gardens I met a lion up close and personal. I WAS protected by 2 inches of glass but I was still just a bit intimidated. Our last day in Florida, after I risked my life parasailing, we took some family pictures out on the beach. Here are just a few of my favorites. There are even a few of me!
Here is a link to some of our "candid" pictures from vacation. And the link to all of the Benzick family photo session as well as a few of yours truly.
*If you don't leave comments I may hunt you down. :-)*
That's right! I am headed out of town for vacation before the sun comes up tomorrow. I am SO excited and can't wait to post pictures from the trip. The beach is calling my name!!! While I'm out I can still be reached via cell phone and email......don't expect that I answer the first time you call though. hehe I promise to return messages.
Last weekend Michelle and Jason tied the knot. I have known Michelle for....well ever. She has grown into an amazing woman and fabulous baker from what I have heard. She met a great guy named Jason following a car accident. It's a great story if you haven't heard it.....I guess her cookies must be REALLY good. He is a a firefighter and all around sweet and considerate guy. They were married last weekend at the Hanging Gardens in Duncanville. The venue was perfect for Michelle's laid back khaki and white wedding and reception. Here are just a few of my favorites. I may have to blog a few of Michelle's bridal pictures too. She was such a beautiful bride. Congrats you two!!