To all of my clients who may think I have fallen off the face of the earth the past week I want to apologize. I have had "one of those months". Seriously...a whole month of crap? Along with working so much that my eyeballs hurt. Then to follow up a bad few weeks my grandmother had a stroke this morning which just makes me want to throw my hands up in frustration and exhaustion. Please hang in there if you are waiting on orders, album changes, or who knows what else that is on my 3 mile long list. I promise I am working on it. Surely nothing else could go wrong....Right?
An update on my grandmother (Meema)....she is in good condition. She has lost strength and some movement on her left side. She seems confused at times and doesn't make sense...but she is able to talk with us and is loving all of the attention I'm sure.
Thanks for the prayers and emails I have received. Love you guys!