You would think that this would be enough excitement for one day but of course it wasn't. I had a senior session in the afternoon with Jessica. Talk about a beautiful girl! I felt like I was working with a model. She was a total natural in front of the camera. Our second location was this great place I found off the highway. Although the sign DID say "no tresspassing" and we had to climb a fence to get in it was one of my favorite locations. As we are wrapping up and climbing back over the fence a police officer pulls up. Capturing our expressions would have been priceless. The officer says there have been some reports of someone tresspassing and mischievous activity. EEK! He asks who is in charge (not very friendly let me add) and tells me to get my license. As I am walking to my car I decide it is time to "name drop" and tell him that I spoke to Aaron Benzick and he knew I was here. Rather quickly he responds that he doesn't know Aaron. UH HUH! About this time I realize someone is playing a joke on me. "Aaron sent you didn't he!!!!!" The officer laughs and tells us to have a nice day. Poor Jessica thought we were all going to jail. We had a GREAT laugh! So here are a few from Jessica's shoot. Check back in a few days and I will get a few more posted.
Pictures are not uploading so I will have to work on it and post in a few. Grrrrr.....